“BumpTop launched its first product about a year ago. The idea, as founder and chief executive Anand Agarawala described it during a talk at the 2007 TED conference, was to do away with the “same old crap” found in the layout of both the Windows and Mac operating systems. By turning the desktop into a three-dimensional space, users can arrange things more naturally and creatively. They can pile things up, just like they can on a physical desk.” - × × ×
"They can pile things up, just like they can on a physical desk." Uhum, it makes them more productive, or what? - социальный груффало
Добавляет третье измерение к десктопу просто. И там включается куча привычных шаблонов поведения и способов думать о том, что у тебя там внутри, добавляет субъективного объёма в плоскую машинку (примерно как с тардис-будкой в Doctor Who). - × × ×