"The first ebook of the series is Phone Hacking: How the Guardian Broke the Story and is about how The Guardian uncovered the phone hacking done scandal carried out by News of the World. It is currently available on Kindle for £2.29 ($2.99) and the paper promises that an iTunes BookStore version is coming soon. The media company plans to “cover all subject areas in which the Guardian has expertise, ranging from current news topics and opinion pieces to the highlights of our writing on books, music, film, food, sport, business, travel, education and many more,” according to the product’s FAQ page. The Guardian will release “Guardian Shorts” ebooks several times per month, based on the news cycle. They will range from 5,000 to 30,000 words and cost between £1.99 and £3.99, while some will be free." #прокниги - × × ×
Они его обещают в баннерах, если будет не очень дорого, то и ура. (Как, однако, Оливер Буркман повлиял на лояльность к бренду! И как качественный контент зацепляет, несмотря на относительное отсутствие медийного засилия материалов из Гардиан, по сравнению с тем же Нью-Йорк Таймсом!) :) - × × ×