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How we built a DIY book scanner with speeds of 150 pages per minute | Ars Technica - http://arstechnica.com/gadgets...
Bookshelves today are simply not as appealing as they used to be, and there's no shortage of people looking to digitize their own book collections. Fortunately, we now have easy and relatively inexpensive ways to digitize those books. You don't have to slave away at your copier or scanner, either—we’re talking about building a book scanner of your very own. We're not talking about the numerous book scanning services that have popped up in the last few years, offering book digitization at the cost of only a few cents per page. Nor are we talking about chopping off the binding of your book and feeding the pages into a copier or scanner, or purchasing a commercial book scanner for upwards of $10,000 (that just isn’t going to happen for most). No, we're talking toolbelts, paint cans, bike brakes, and digital cameras—doing it yourself. • #прокниги - × × ×