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Про корпоративные города ещё вот: “Most random of all, it seems to me, is word that Google apparently revealed last week at a Mountain View, California planning commission meeting its intention to build housing units on part of its campus in that city. I’m surprised this wasn’t picked-up by the local papers. So in addition to being given free access to unlimited Lucky Charms cereal (the entire basis for Google’s technical success — remember you heard it here first) at least some Google employees will get what might be free (or certainly subsidized) housing. [...] This idea of company housing, which is very common in Asia, is not unknown in the U. S.. Apple tried to do it during the first reign of Steve Jobs when the company bought hundreds of acres in the Almaden Valley south of San Jose and proposed to build there a huge live-work development. When Steve left Apple in 1985 the idea left with him and eventually Apple sold the property.” (В продолжение разговоров в http://ff.im/jR35z) - × × ×