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Derek Powazek - How to Publish a Magazine in a Day and a Half - http://powazek.com/posts/2063
“This week the biggest dust storm in 70 years blew through Australia, and the photos of it were stunning. So on Wednesday at noon, I decided to make a photo magazine. It was published on MagCloud Thursday night. All told, it was 31.5 hours from idea to publication, and that’s with a few hours of sleep thrown in. I think this shows the power of print-on-demand in general, and MagCloud in particular, so I wanted to share my experience and show you how you can do it, too.” - × × ×
а вы видели Printcasting.com, да? (я на него ссылался из «нечитабельной» колонки :) он круче MagCloud тем, что позволяет обойтись без «Step 4: Design the Magazine» (самого проблемного) — шаблоны там прямо на сайте, и дизайн редактируется онлайн. - обречённый зверёк¹
Неа, не видел пока. - × × ×
тогда и newspaperclub.co.uk ещё :) - обречённый зверёк¹