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Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem - By Clive Thompson | Wired - 18.01 - http://www.wired.com/magazin...
“On the last day, they gathered for a group photo. They were videogame programmers, artists, level builders, artificial-intelligence experts. Their team was — finally — giving up, declaring defeat, and disbanding. So they headed down to the lobby of their building in Garland, Texas, to smile for the camera. They arranged themselves on top of their logo: a 10-foot-wide nuclear-radiation sign, inlaid in the marble floor.” - × × ×
помню как обсуждали с друзьями еще в школе, каким крутым будет DNF. вот я уже лысый, бородатый и всё еще на что-то надеюсь =) - b-mail-developer
Грустная история про то, как хорошие люди не нашли в себе смелости нанять какого-нибудь MBA. - alex@kapranoff.ru