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Economic Uncanny Valley / Rhizome - http://rhizome.org/editori...
“Bitcoin. You may have heard of it: a so-called virtual peer-to-peer currency system. It’s been billed alternately as the savior of the world from the hands of the banking system, the scourge of world governments, a monumental waste of energy resources, a privacy nightmare, and just plain dumb. But what the hell is it? Nobody knows. Let’s get started.” - × × ×
Вот чем на самом деле должен был заняться Сергей Пантелеевич-то. - × × ×
http://www.economist.com/blogs... — Экономист про Биткойн. - × × ×
@berkus: http://bitcoin.org/ — “Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new money or tracks transactions. These tasks are managed collectively by the network.” (цитата с сайта) - × × ×
(2 апр 2012) http://www.reuters.com/article... — Рейтерс про популярность биткойна у финансистов, которые его используют как «пограничный инструмент»: “The existence of Bitcoin is also an economic puzzle, raising questions about the definition of money itself. Its value depends on users' belief that it is worth something. So does all money, but in the case of Bitcoin this faith could be more fragile. It also runs up against standard economic theory that people will not spend money if they expect it to increase in value; the 21 million limit means once all Bitcoins are in circulation, there are no internal inflationary pressures to devalue it.” - × × ×