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The Case Against Drop-down Identities - http://smarterware.org/7388...
“The fact that I'm legally gay-married in California, one of only 19,000 couples in the U.S., is something I'm proud of, and a way I like to identify myself and my relationship. Isn't Google Profiles' whole purpose to provide a way for me to publicly identify myself? ¶ Same goes for gender, where the drop-down choices are Male, Female, and Other. ("Other" at least indicates that Google is aware gender is not a binary thing.) This should also be an open text field. Gender is not sex. I might list myself as a "tomboy," and I'm not that weird. Regarding the gender field, my friend Mitch Wagner, who is a "regular guy" by conventional definition, asks: Does "gender" include a spot for: "Cisgendered male but nonetheless often feels alienated and constrained by traditional societal frat-boy/sitcom-dad notions of gender. AND mostly I connect better with women than with men."?” - × × ×