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Why Android Hates You — Acko.net - http://acko.net/blog...
"Since the dawn of time, my Android phones have claimed that app data and settings will be backed up to the cloud, courtesy of Google. By "data and settings" they mean "except the stuff you actually care about". It comes as absolutely no surprise that none of them have ever restored the layout and arrangement of icons and widgets on the home screens from the cloud. The only thing that seems to happen is that a bunch of apps get downloaded one after the other, spazzing out your notification bar for up to an hour if the connection is slow, filling up your app drawer while you're trying to put things back. Actually showing a progress of the entire restoration, perhaps estimating when you can expect it to be back to the way it was, is a pipe dream. Backing up to the cloud is done manually through apps, like G+ photo upload, or other third party mechanisms." • #адроид - × × ×
обои же синкуются! - Ildar Karimov
Воистину. - × × ×
ну не трави душу-то! - скажу, хоть тред не читал
А чего? Отличная статья, по-моему. “Finally if you use Google Talk, you get to enjoy a strange bug where it randomly gets stuck in a loop and forcibly scrolls to the bottom every couple of seconds, at random intervals, resulting in the most frustrating user-computer tug of war I've encountered. Fun times.” - × × ×
“You hear a lot about "first time user experience" for example. But it's not about wrapping up your product like a present. It's about creating a connection of trust through empowerment and a little bit of emotional appeal: "This is for you, you can do amazing things with this." And that means "first-time" shouldn't refer to the first time you turn on the device, but the first time you use a device for a particular purpose and context. Travelling to Another Country should definitely be treated as a "first time" experience, same with How Do I Work This Camera, I Don't Have an App For This, I Don't Have Data Right Now, I Dropped It Down The Stairs, I Should've Cached This Map But I Didn't, My Friend Has a Windows Phone, etc. Throwing in more obnoxious tutorials is not the answer, creating affordance is.” - × × ×
^ How do they see that kind of affordance? I'd appreciate an example. - 9000
Это ровно те самые граальные вопросы, на которые и ищут ответы нормальные дизайнеры. Для падения, например, придумали автопарковку головок в HDD, а для смартфонов можно думать про тест экрана и дигитайзера на целостность, чтобы можно было пользоваться или эвакуироваться, даже если часть экрана мертва. С новыми аппами можно думать про разные эвристики открытия форматов данных и простых сценариев на старте, и т.д. В иос есть много таких мелких аффордансов, вроде беджа приложения при заходе браузером на его сайт, при тапе на бедж открывается страница аппа в сторе. И деталей таких десятки. - × × ×
Бгг: http://jacksonfish.com/2014... — A User Experience Designer Switches from iOS to Android: “My HTC Android phone is fine. It’s not awful. It’s not great. It’s fine. It basically works. But it’s death by a thousand cuts. These little awkward moments in the UX add up, and in the end I don’t love my Android phone. I don’t love using it. I prefer not to browse with it. I’m not excited to install new apps. And the e-commerce and browsing usage numbers for Android versus iOS bear this out”. - × × ×
Вот кстати. Я первые годы игрался в аппы, а теперь у меня телефон, чтобы звонить и отправлять СМС. I don`t love it, точно. И для гугла это плохо, а для меня — отлично. Больше любви — туда, где она нужнее. Спасибо, Android team! - lightforce manager