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Most Common iPhone Passcodes | iPhone | Daniel Amitay - http://amitay.us/blog...
“Naturally, 1234 is the most common passcode: mimicking the most common internet passwords. To put this into perspective, these 10 codes represent 15% of all passcodes in use. Most of the top passcodes follow typical formulas, such as four identical digits, moving in a line up/down the pad, repetition. 5683 is the passcode with the least obvious pattern, but it turns out that it is the number representation of LOVE (5683), once again mimicking a very common internet password: “iloveyou.” - × × ×
я когда это читал, думал, откуда там 1998, ничего кроме кризиса не придумал - MK
Вполне может быть год выпуска из колледжа, в общем. - × × ×