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Why cards are the future of the web | Inside Intercom - http://insideintercom.io/why-car...
“We are currently witnessing a re-architecture of the web, away from pages and destinations, towards completely personalised experiences built on an aggregation of many individual pieces of content. Content being broken down into individual components and re-aggregated is the result of the rise of mobile technologies, billions of screens of all shapes and sizes, and unprecedented access to data from all kinds of sources through APIs and SDKs. This is driving the web away from many pages of content linked together, towards individual pieces of content aggregated together into one experience.” • #карты_и_колоды - #паттерны - × × ×
Am I the only one here who longed for addressable self-contained *fragments* on the web, instead of whole pages? And did this for ages, since 1995 or so. - 9000
Hypercard. Так что нас таких много, мы ждём своего часа. ) - × × ×
Да-да. Только в интернете, massively parallel, distributed, eventually consistent. /* Время, когда Apple убил Hypercard — как раз примерно время, с которого мне с Apple стало совсем не по пути. */ - 9000
я утром начал писать статью про карточки, а тут вылезает эта ссылка. блин. - ideali