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“One Android to rule them all. One Android to find them. One Android to bring them all and in the darkness bind them”: Nokia turns to Android in smartphone wars | Technology | guardian.co.uk - http://www.guardian.co.uk/global...
"Opting to use Android, an "open source" platform that any software developer can access, is a reversal of the company's previous strategy in mobile phone software. A year ago, Nokia bought out the partners in its Symbian mobile software joint venture and announced plans to make its products free of charge to other manufacturers in an attempt to see off the threat posed by Android and the iPhone. But the response to the opening of Symbian has been relatively muted. By contrast, users of the iPhone have already downloaded over a billion applications in just nine months and Android has attracted a host of developers offering their "widgets", or applications, to consumers through the Android Marketplace." - × × ×
That makes things way more interesting. - alf
from the circumstantial evidence available, it seems much more likely that Nokia will announce a Maemo device with phone capabilities in September, rather than an Android phone. Still only a guess though :) - Michael Bravo
Уже же на диалэкстрим - Лёва
Huh? I recall some Nokia and Symbian people debunking this not so long ago. Still, it'd be an interesting switch for them, if it's true. - Tyson Key
They clarified that it's just unbased rumours yesterday (there's a link above). - × × ×