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Tatsuo Horiuchi | the 73-year old Excel spreadsheet artist | Spoon & Tamago - http://www.spoon-tamago.com/2013...
“Horiuchi first gained attention when, in 2006, he entered an Excel Autoshape Art Contest. His work, which was far-superior than the other entries, blew the judges away. Horiuchi took first place and went on to create work that has been acquired by his local Gunma Museum of Art.” #рубрика_прекрасное - × × ×
He uses the Bezier curves of Excel's built-in figure-drawing tool. «“Graphics software is expensive but Excel comes pre-installed in most computer,” explained Horiuchi. “And it has more functions and is easier to use than [Microsoft] Paint.”» This is how not knowing about open-source alternatives makes man's life harder, but his paintings technically bizarre enough for a museum. - 9000
Кажется, что это духовный брат того чувака, который писал на ассемблере и ещё одного, вот из этой истории: http://friendfeed.com/urbansh... - × × ×
^ духовный — может быть, но "тот чувак" круче на порядки. - 9000