These slides were used for a presentation by Daniel Tunkelang (Google) and Otis Gospondetic (Sematext) at the New York CTO Club on December 9th, 2009. Faceted Search People come to your site to get the information they need, by exploring, discovering, and making comparisons. You want them to successfully sift through all of your content, quickly and effectively. The traditional approach of providing a search box and a ranked list of results can frustrate users, who need more guidance in order to find what they are looking for--or even know if the information is available. Enter faceted search. Faceted search enables users to navigate a multi-dimensional information space by combining text search with a progressive narrowing of choices in each dimension. This technique has become ubiquitous in online retail, and is increasingly popular in other domains, both on the public internet and on intranets. This talk will review the basic concepts of faceted search, and then dive into some of... - × × ×