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Do Too Many Friend Connections Harm Unique Thinking? - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, director of the Information + Innovation Policy Research Center at the National University of Singapore, argues that "the over-abundance of connections through which information travels reduces diversity and keeps radical ideas from taking hold." A "good or bad" analysis may be too crude for evaluating the effect of extensive social connections online on innovation: it seems true that both extended periods of uninterrupted work time are essential to innovation and that online noise is good for you. Is participation in large social networks a net positive or a net negative? That probably depends on the person, but smaller networks are probably an important option to consider as well. - × × ×
По моему опыту передоз входящей информации мешает unique thinkать. - CES & nootropics
Но и недостаток входящего не способствует красоте решений. :) - CES & nootropics