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О чём мы говорим, когда говорим о лишних кликах, о неочевидности выбора и о сложности (и трудности) решений в интерфейсе: Cognition & The Intrinsic User Experience | UX Magazine - http://uxmag.com/article...
“Some of the most important decisions UX designers make are those they don’t even think about. It’s generally understood that creating an intuitive interface is important, but few people are really good at articulating what makes an interface intuitive. This is where the concepts cognitive load and cognitive barriers play a huge role. When dealing with web and software development, principles associated with cognition can be distilled into six distinct categories: three related to cognitive barriers, and three related to cognitive load.” • #интерфейсы#схватил_за_мозг - × × ×