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"Чем старше я становлюсь, тем больше уверенность, что все в нашей жизни — от удачи. И от..." - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
“Чем старше я становлюсь, тем больше уверенность, что все в нашей жизни — от удачи. И от пунктуальности. Если приходить вовремя, все идет хорошо.” - Правила жизни Кристофера Уокена - × × ×
так вот в чём всё дело. пунктуальность. мда. - prichudno
"Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Иван
Карлос Кастанеда назвал это качество "impeccability": “...the force that rules our destinies is outside of ourselves and has nothing to do with our acts or volition. Sometimes that force would make us stop walking on our way and bend over to tie our shoelaces, as I had just done. And by making us stop, that force makes us gain a precious moment. If we had kept on walking, that enormous boulder would have most certainly crushed us to death. Some other day, however, in another ravine the same outside deciding force would make us stop again to bend over and tie our shoelaces while another boulder would get loose precisely above where we are standing. By making us stop, that force would have made us lose a precious moment. That time if we had kept on walking, we would have saved ourselves. Don Juan said that in view of my total lack of control over the forces which decide my destiny, my only possible freedom in that ravine consisted in my tying my shoelaces impeccably.” - eugenio
то есть пунтуальность как частный случай безупречности - eugenio