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Немецкая ассоциация издателей и продавцов книг вместе с международной ассоциацией издателей закрыли наш любимый Library.nu — Ebook download site library.nu shut down by coalition of international publishers | The Verge - http://www.theverge.com/2012...
“Besides being probably the biggest dedicated ebook download site, library.nu was notable for linking to a large number of academic texts, explaining the prominence of educational publishers like Elsevier in the alliance. The effort was coordinated by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association and the International Publishers Association, which say this move shows that international publishing “continues to stand up against organized copyright crime.” Unlike with Megaupload, no domains were seized, and it appears that no criminal charges will be filed. Instead, library.nu's status page displays a brief message: “rip lnu.” #прокниги - × × ×
Вот ведь не опасаются парни возможного ответа анонимуса. - × × ×
“Organized copyright crime”, блин. - × × ×
What are some alternatives to library.nu? — http://www.quora.com/What-ar... - × × ×
“A coalition of 17 publishing companies has shut down library.nu and ifile.it, charging them with pirating ebooks.” — http://yro.slashdot.org/story... - × × ×
ifile.it между тем работает, но вычистило с себя как минимум те файлы, на которые были линки с library.nu - кот от котов
“In the end, a breakthrough came not from private investigators -- but from the Donate button on Library.nu, she said. "Users could give donations [to Library.nu] via PayPal in return for access to more files," Feindor-Schmidt said. "You then got an email stating that 'admin@library.nu has received your donation.' But then you got a real receipt from PayPal, stating the real name of the owner of the account. We received two different receipts with two real names." The names on the receipts were Fidel Nunez and Irina Ivanova, Feindor-Schmidt said.” - × × ×
^^^ avoid paypal. - 9000
Да, это был чёрный день новейшей истории. :(((( - курящий гей-атеист
Спасибо @mindszenty, очень хороший сервис для поиска по DHT в торрентах: http://btdigg.org/ Невозбранно доставляет. - × × ×
^^ like - nazer1
А также большой список всего: https://docs.google.com/documen... - × × ×