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Are Workers Too Productive? We are at a dangerous point where commodity worker output can easily exceed the demand for labor - Bill Davidow - Business - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/busines...
“There's mounting evidence that Moore's Law applies to commodity work -- labor that can be produced by many different individuals with a minimal amount of training. It's difficult to distinguish the output of one commodity worker from another, just as it is difficult to differentiate wheat grown on one farm from wheat grown on another. If Moore's Law applies to commodity work, commodity workers are in big trouble.” #trendtaste - × × ×
Dangerous? Это же извечная мечта человечества. - alex@kapranoff.ru
USA's problems are much due to this. US's commodity workers ca't compete with robots and East Asia commodity workers. Highly skilled personnel (e.g. clueful engineers and scientists) are still in high demand. - 9000
USA, Japan, Switzerland and probably half of EU pays large subsidies to farmers to keep their production traditionally moderate and food prices still low. 50-70 years ago farmers were in the position that commodity workers are in now. - 9000