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Knowledge leverage and information creation in the enterprise - http://patrickcwalsh.wordpress.com/2009...
Хороший пост о том, что такое «создание знаний» и «управление знаниями» в компании: “So OK we’ve managed to sit down with our staff and note down key aspects of the tacit knowledge they hold but this is only half of the exercise. The reason why I’ve used the term ‘knowledge leverage and information creation’ is because it should always remind us that there are two aspects that must always be considered. Noting down tacit knowledge is part of ‘knowledge levering’ but turning those notes into information will require much more work. The notes will need to be worked up into a logical document and then assessed to see where it fits into and/or affects information currently held within the intranet or other information management systems. The affect of this assessment may mean that information gained may need to be amended or indeed that information currently held elsewhere may need to be amended. If ‘information‘ can be considered as contextualised data formatted for a particular audience... - × × ×