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Literary neuroscience: “Unseeing” in China Miéville’s The City & The City / Oscillatory Thoughts - http://blog.ketyov.com/2010...
“Breach in the mind: The hypothetical neuroanatomy subserving the process of “unseeing” in China Miéville’s The City & The City ¶ In China Miéville’s The City & The City, citizens of the grosstopically overlapping cities of Besźel and Ul Qoma are taught from birth to “unsee” the architecture, people, events, and surroundings of the other city. Despite the terminology, unseeing is not just limited to the sense of vision, but to all other senses as well, and as such citizens must also “unhear” and “unsmell” stimuli from the other city.” • #схватил_за_мозг#прокниги - × × ×