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The Making Of: Elite | Edge Online - http://www.edge-online.com/magazin...
“When someone unfamiliar comes knocking on your door at ten o’ clock in the evening dripping with rain and weary after travelling the 300 miles from Liverpool to Cambridgeshire, you know you are in the presence of an obsessive. Questions including: ‘In which galaxy can the Generation ships be found?’ and ‘Just how many stars make up the whole game universe?’ only serve to re-establish the weird world of fandom which David Braben and Ian Bell, co-creators of Elite, must occasionally warp into. Elite spawned the first ever Internet user group, and eventually docked on to 17 separate formats. The game established Braben and Bell as coding heroes to the next generation of programmers. It also brought them early fame, extensive news coverage and an amount of money no number of narcotic runs between Wolf II and Lesi could have garnered. But the Elite story began in a tiny dormitory at Jesus College, Cambridge, Earth.” - × × ×