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The “tap essay” is just that, a bit of kinetic text you navigate by tapping. Tapping, screen by screen. Sometimes line by line, poetically. Sometimes word by word, frantically. The gesture dictates your pace. There’s no back button. (I read it with the line breaks in, after an old friend.) - Ekstasis - http://ekstasis.tumblr.com/post...
“The internet is full to over flowing with things like that, things that keep us coming back across the years. So, the problem isn’t one of content, but of attention. It’s a problem of canon. Canon is Sloan’s proposed solution to the problems laid out in “Fish…,” following this catalog of the essays and articles important to David Cole, a designer at Quora. A personal canon is the closest internet approximation of an “album view,” a chance to pluck things we love from the torrent and put them on display so they can’t be missed, by others and us.” • #рубрика_прекрасное - × × ×
“Nix the digital metaphor of an “album view.” There are things we live among and to see them is to know ourselves. We all have our daily canons, landscapes and storefronts and faces we live among. Their recurrence (or not) is definitional. As below, so above. But don’t nix the digital.” #culture_codes - × × ×
+ Mills Baker: “There are things we live among and to see them is to know ourselves. Facebook is not such a thing. If for no other reason than its punishing obsession with currency, with now, the social Internet cannot be a library or a ruin; such spaces lack the giddy futurity that advertising requires, the orientation towards a time of easy fulfillment just beyond this moment of inadequacy (which advertisers work to ensure will never end).” — http://blog.millsbaker.net/post... - × × ×
+ цитаты из Fish: http://friendfeed.com/urbansh... - × × ×
+ Карточный домик: http://contentsmagazine.com/article... (эссе в Contents Magazine) и его продолжение в карточках: http://contentsmagazine.com/cards...#карты_и_колоды - × × ×
“Full-screen mode is back —and so, too, is the stack.” - × × ×