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Google’s Traffic Is Giant, Which Is Why It Should be Your ISP | Epicenter | March 16, 2010 | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/epicent...
“Moreover, Google has a dual strategy for moving away from paying top-level internet transit providers to serve as the middleman between its servers and the world’s consumer ISPs. Now, more than half of its transit traffic is sent to those networks through direct peering relationships, according to the data ISPs provide Arbor Networks anonymously. Moreover, Google has been deploying banks of servers inside those same networks, so traffic to Google’s servers never has to leave an ISP, cutting down on lag time and transit costs. Arbor estimates that more than half of the ISPs in Europe and North America are home to a bank of servers known as a Google Global Cache.” ¶ См. также: “YouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero.” — http://ff.im/a0tuA - × × ×