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Toward a Pill That Helps Us Learn as Fast as Kids: Scientists are using mood drugs to return the adult's brain to an earlier stage of development. Here's why that won't be easy. - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/health...
“Hensch’s research is one of the more intriguing recent examples of how our understanding of neuroplasticity has evolved. Until about 20 years ago, scientists thought that after we reached puberty the structure of our brains more or less froze. But more recent studies have shown that our brains continue to transform throughout our lives, though not to the extent they did when we were children. What Hensch hopes to do is to induce time-travel for our brains—to return them to their ultra-flexible younger years.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
“One concern Hensch hears often is that the brain might then rewire too much, essentially wiping away the patient’s personality in the process. But that didn’t happen in the perfect-pitch study, he said—music was the only thing the subjects became better at. Though Hensch’s studies involve sub-clinical doses of the psych medications, he said eventually there may be video-game training or other stimuli that could create these critical periods without drugs.” - × × ×