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Law: What is it like to be a public defender? - Quora - http://www.quora.com/Law...
“Its tough. Watch an episode of COPS and imagine those as your clients. Watch an episode of Law and Order. Those are not your clients. your clients are actually guilty most of the time; they often times don't appreciate the work you do; they often times aren't that smart (see my story below about the guy I represented who was busted as a result of the same informant, TWICE); they often times can't provide you with a lot of help. "Joe saw, he can tell you." "Where do I find Joe?" "I dunno." "What is Joe's last name?" "I dunno." you have more limited resources than the prosecutor. Often times a lot more limited resources.” - × × ×
“As it turned out, a lot of his case rested on evidence (tapes and testimony) from an informant who had literally been responsible for convicting him in the past! Really, you can't make this stuff up. I think the informant said he had stopped informing, and my guy believed him which led to the case in which I was defending him.” - × × ×
В общем, Квора явно будет одним из лучших средств для прокрастинации загнанных нанораймеров в этом году, когда они будут изучать матчасть про всё на свете. - × × ×