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С помощью NFC и GPS Ровио выводит Angry Birds в офлайн, окончательно превратив франшизу в платформу: Angry Birds Coming Soon Everywhere (Literally) - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
“Connecting Angry Birds to the physical world will take several forms. The first of this will take advantage of NFC (near field communications). This means that players will be able to unlock new levels and special birds by tapping their NFC-enabled phones together or by tapping certain NFC-enabled tags. The beauty of these tags, says Ramine Darabiha, Product Manager for Angry Birds Magic, is that "you can put NFC stickers in everything." And that's what Angry Birds plans to do. All of the merchandising around the wildly successful game will contain these NFC-enabled tags. This means that you can tap your phone onto a plush toy or onto a cookbook, for example, in order to unlock various rewards.” #trendtaste #проигры - × × ×
QR-кодами дешевле. - alex@kapranoff.ru