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Superwoman Was Already Here « Skipping School - http://un-schooled.net/?p=488
"Superwoman was already here. And she gave us a superb educational model to end the “Race to Nowhere.” Her name was Dr. Maria Montessori and in the first half of the 20th century she pioneered and refined the Montessori method of education. Today, there are over 17,000 Montessori schools worldwide including thousands of preschools in the USA and hundreds of Montessori schools in the U.S. at the K-8 level. My children go to a private Jewish Montessori school in New Jersey called Yeshivat Netivot Montessori. After five years as a parent at Netivot, I now believe quite deeply that it is a national tragedy that Montessori is largely deemed to be an educational option only for privileged kids from families that can afford tuition at a progressive private school. Millions more American children deserve access to a Montessori education. There are about 350 public Montessori schools in the United States, a number that is shamefully small. I am not writing to explain, “What is Montessori?” There are several good books, lots of internet videos and numerous websites to answer that question. But I do want to offer three reasons* Why I love Montessori and believe that millions more American children could benefit from this extraordinary approach to teaching and learning" - × × ×