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GRRM Tells People Who Think He Won't Finish The Books "F*ck You" - http://io9.com/grrm-te...
“Apparently George R.R. Martin is quite, quite tired of people worrying that he will never finish his fantasy magnum opus A Song of Ice and Fire. But can you really blame him? ¶ In a recent interview, the Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger asked 65-year-old Martin about the people who worry he's going to die before he finishes the final book in the best-selling fantasy series. He responded: "I find that question pretty offensive, people speculating about my death and my health. So fuck you to those people." He also made the gesture you see in the screenshot above for a bit of emphasis.” • #прокниги - × × ×
Картинка просто обязана разойтись на тыщу мемов. ) - × × ×