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For Chrissakes, There Is Nothing Wrong With You: A Dating Manifesto - http://jezebel.com/5904952...
“As modern ladies of marrying age, our trusty inadequacy paradigm has always gone something like this: "I'm too fat for the men I like." "I'm too ugly to get married." "I'm too old to find a guy." Blah blah blah, fart, repeat, dead (the lifecycle of the human woman). And lately, this other sort of protest-too-much inversion seems fashionable: "I'm too smart/too pretty/too successful/too interesting/too funny/too outspoken to bag a man!" No matter what or who we (hetero) women are, we are always too something for men. Isn't that just fucked? Because to be "too" something implies that there's a something else out there to aim for. But there isn't. IT'S A TRAP.” • #дейтинг#женщины_и_люди - × × ×