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15 миллионов за acqui-hire разработчиков Бранча/Потлака: Facebook acquires team behind social discussion startup Branch Media to form new Conversations group in NYC - The Next Web - http://thenextweb.com/faceboo...
“Facebook today acquired the team behind NYC-based social startup Branch Media. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed, but The Verge pegged the price at “around $15 million.” The 10-person team won’t have to relocate as it will be forming a new Conversations group in charge of building Branch “at Facebook scale.” Branch Media offered two services: Branch, a platform for hosting and publishing invite-only conversations, and Potluck, a Web and mobile app “designed for friends to talk about cool things they find online.” Both are expected to continue operating outside of Facebook, though it’s not clear for how long.” - × × ×
ФБ с Гуглом закупились под новый год, короче. - × × ×