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10 Fun Microsoft Facts You Might Not Know - http://mashable.com/2010...
“8. Microsoft Has a Huge Art Collection — No, we’re not talking about Clip Art. Microsoft is one of the largest corporate collectors of artworks with over 5,000 contemporary pieces including painting, sculpture, works on paper, photographs, ceramics, studio glass, and multimedia works. Microsoft gathers arts from local artists, up-and-coming artists and big names such as Cindy Sherman, Chuck Close and Takashi Murakami. A large proportion of the works are on display at more than 150 of Microsoft’s many campuses, as the company subscribes to the belief that art in the workplace reduces stress, increases productivity and encourages discussions and expression of opinions.” - × × ×
Седьмой факт тоже интересен :) - kuchin
Ага, про сплит акций и про сегодняшнюю цену одной акции первоначального выпуска любопытно. - × × ×