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Why Robot Journalism Is Great for Journalists -- NYMag - http://nymag.com/daily...
"Robot assistance may even spur human reporters to do our jobs better. With software producing the equivalent of old-school “clip files” for us, we’ll essentially have full-time research assistants. The information in our stories will be more accurate, since it will come directly from data feeds and not from human copying and pasting, and we’ll have to issue fewer corrections for messing things up. Plus, with our nuts-and-bolts reporting out of the way, we’ll be able to focus on the kinds of stories that educate and entertain readers in a deep way, rather than just dragging simple information from Point A to Point B. Perhaps we’ll even start sprucing up our basic news stories, just to prove to readers that they’re not written with automated help. (“Could a robot have made a Beyoncé reference like this?”)" • #будущее_мидий - × × ×