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isolatedmix 23 – Carbon Based Lifeforms - http://astrangelyisolatedplace.com/2011...
“My favourite track from twentythree is ‘Somewhere in Russia’. Where is this somewhere, and what was the inspiration behind the track? — That’s quite a story really… We hade been booked to do a gig in Moscow, Johannes did not want to go but Daniel decided to go alone. However the festival was cancelled and the organizers decided that it would be a terrific idea to not tell Daniel about it so he ended up alone and just a little bit worried at the Moscow Airport. There were no hotel rooms at the airport and no flights back to Gothenburg until two days later. But after countless phone calls to Ultimae and back to Sweden he finally got a hold of Andrei, one of Ultimae’s distributors in Moscow who was on his way to a party a couple of hours outside of Moscow so he picked Daniel up and brought him along. It was during this trip the idea was born. The poem that can be heard at the beginning of that track was written by one the guys from the party.” * thx @krace * #музыкальная_шкатулка - × × ×
Ссылка на soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/astrang... (146 МБ) - × × ×
ооо, спасибо! - tataata
Хороший треклист - 9 других пользователя/-ей
!! indeed ;) - anatoliy
В феврале, кстати, будут в москве http://www.last.fm/event... - адский хардлайн в засаде