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Inside the Angsty, Affirming World of Whisper -- Daily Intelligencer - http://nymag.com/daily...
“If you're older than 25, you may not have heard of Whisper. But the app — already popular among high-school and college students across the country — is quickly becoming the most interesting social network around. It allows people to post anonymous Whispers (photos with a line or two of text overlaid on them, in the style of a Reddit image macro) which can then be "hearted" or replied to by other users. Users can view popular Whispers, Whispers with a common keyword, or Whispers posted from a nearby location.” • #стайность - × × ×
“I've heard from other Whisper users that the app rewards fakery by letting obviously false submissions in. (On the front page the other day: "I've been a dinosaur for 4 years, I've never told my friends or family because I'm afraid they won't talk to me anymore.") But mistaking fiction for fact isn't really the issue with Whisper. The issue is that, despite the site's guarantee of anonymity, there is still a pressure to perform. Users who want their posts to be popular will be tempted to embellish their own secrets, or appropriate someone else's. (The day after my Bitcoin post, I saw a nearly identical post on the front page.) And there's no system of social checks to keep fabricators at bay.” • #стайность - × × ×
PostSecret такой. - Victory through semantics
Ой, на картинке — два romantic memes! 8-) - 9000
а что на картинке означает слово "lifting"? - alex@kapranoff.ru
Power-lifting. На картинке, вроде как, 35-фунтовая гантеля: http://www.ebay.com/sch... - × × ×