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Design Is Why 2048 Sucks, and Threes Is a Masterpiece | Design | WIRED - http://www.wired.com/2014...
“This Threes was significantly different from what Vollmer and Wohlwend imagined through much of the design process. It was smaller, more compact. It was about numbers, not monsters. But they took to this new identity, embracing the idea of a tiny game whose pleasures were whispered, rather than shouted. ¶ Getting there was all about refinement. “Most of the time we spent was taking away ideas,” Vollmer says. Even when you read through the year-long saga in its abridged, accelerated form, it becomes clear how fond the developers were of elements they ultimately axed. “It’s definitely frustrating at the time,” Vollmer says. “We spent so much time on the monster. When we took it out, it just hurt.” • #проигры - × × ×