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The Best Questions For A First Date « OkTrends - OkCupid - http://blog.okcupid.com/index...
“First dates are awkward. There is so much you want to know about the person across the table from you, and yet so little you can directly ask. ¶ This post is our attempt to end the mystery. We took OkCupid's database of 275 294 match questions—probably the biggest collection of relationship concerns on earth—and the 776 million answers people have given us, and we asked: What questions are easy to bring up, yet correlate to the deeper, unspeakable, issues people actually care about? ¶ Love, sex, a soulmate, an argument, whatever you're looking for, we'll show you the polite questions to find it. We hope they'll be useful to you in the real world.” #говоря_статистически#дейтинг - × × ×
«Q: In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting? implied odds of first-date sex: 'yes'⇒83%» - 9000
«If your date is okay with bad grammar and spelling, the odds of him or her being at least moderately religious is slightly better than 2:1» - 9000