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PostSecret shuts down iPhone app due to abusive posts | Digital Media - CNET News - http://news.cnet.com/8301-10...
“PostSecret founder Frank Warren, who receives hundreds of postcards and letters from strangers every week and posts about 20 of them on his blog on Sundays, said he's "pained" by the close of the PostSecret app, which launched in September. But its demise is due in part to its success. "Although today--the first day after the death of the app--is painful, it was a wild journey being part of the life of this alternative social network," Warren told CNET, also sharing a few heartfelt e-mails from readers distraught over the news. "Anonymous acts of kindness and malice played out in a creative and complex online culture of 2 million shared secrets.” - × × ×
The Short Second Life of Post Secret; or How Griefers, Sexters, and Haters Ruined an App in Only Four Months — http://thelearnedfangirl.com/2012...#стайность - × × ×