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Взять у соседа кофемолку или вантуз — привычно, а названия для этого нет. Смесь из проката и займа делают в NeighborGoods. Sharing Returns To Its Physical Roots - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009... (via http://friendfeed.com/parisle...)
“I’ve had a chance to look around the service for a few weeks, and the idea seems like a very solid one. Here’s a perfect use case: I don’t have a vacuum cleaner, but someone I know does, and they’re sharing it on NeighborGoods, and it’s available, why not just borrow it? You simply click a button, fill out a pick up date and time, a return date and time, and then send the sharing request. If the person who owns the vacuum approves, you’re all set. So, how do you stop shady people from stealing your stuff? Well a core idea behind NeighborGoods is to offer “Verified neighbors.” Basically, you send NeighborGoods your address and they mail (as in physically mail, not email) a special code to you there. Once you are verified at that address, you will have a special red check box over your avatar, so people know that you can be held accountable if you borrow something.” - × × ×