Smart Medieval Bookmarks | medievalbooks - http://medievalbooks.nl/2014...
“Marking pages for future reading predates browsers and the web. In fact, the practice is much older even than printed books. This post introduces various ways in which monks and other medieval readers kept track of the page at which they had stopped reading – and from which they planned to continue in the near future. What tools were available for this purpose? And how did these differ from one another? Apart from addressing these two queries, this post also reports on a genuine discovery: a new specimen of a rare but particularly smart type of bookmark, which I found in my own University Library here in Leiden. Cleverly, and unlike our modern equivalent, the bookmark in question showed medieval readers not only at what page they had stopped reading, but also in which text column and line they had left off.” • #прокниги - urbansheep@gmail.com
Also: http://erikkwakkel.tumblr.com/ — тамблер его же. - urbansheep@gmail.com