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Startup Ecosystems Take Time - Fred Wilson, A VC.com - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
“In my mind, helping to bring some cohesion to our region's distributed network of talent, capital and is a 15-20 year project.” — Saul Klein, co-founder of Seedcamp - × × ×
“In the first decade, you are largely making it up, copying what works elsewhere, the VCs and entrepreneurs are largely doing it for the first time, and while you can have successes, they are mixed with a lot of failures. That was 1995 to 2005 in New York City and 1965 to 1975 in Silicon Valley. In the second decade, you start to get it right. The entrepreneurs are doing it for the second or third time. The infrastructure has developed (lawyers, VCs, recruiters). And it is easier to get talented employees to do a startup. This is where we are in New York City now and is where Silicon Valley was from 1975 to 1985. In the third decade, the ecosystem is fully formed and producing great companies. That is where Silicon Valley has been from the mid 80s on.” - × × ×