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We've Seen the S.H.I.E.L.D. Pilot, and It's Everything We Hoped | Underwire | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/underwi...
"There was a big surprise at the Comic-Con panel for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the upcoming ABC television series by Joss Whedon spinning off last year’s blockbuster Marvel superhero movie The Avengers: the opportunity to watch the entire pilot. “We wanted to bring a clip but there was a legal [thing],” said Whedon at the start of the panel. “So we can’t show you a clip. We’re just going to show you the episode.” Naturally, the crowd practically wet themselves with glee, and their excitement wasn’t misplaced. What followed was the stuff of dreams for Joss Whedon/Marvel/Agent Coulson fanboys and fangirls; although it’s hard to write about without giving too much away, but here’s the run-down of the greatness of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot." - × × ×
Уидон! Супергерои! Сериал! • #letmeshowyou - × × ×
Всё с тобой понятно, френдфидик. - × × ×
чо «понятно», мы все давно ждем, это ты слоупок ) - lightforce manager
КТО СЛОУПОК Я СЛОУПОК? Посмотри на дату поста, умник. - × × ×
:) Да видел я дату! - lightforce manager
Ах сегодня пилооот - пойду-ка я поработаю