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An Unexpected Ass Kicking | Blog Of Impossible Things - http://joelrunyon.com/two3...
"I sat down at yet-another coffee shop in Portland determined to get some work done, catch up on some emails and write another blog post. ¶ About 30 minutes into my working, an elderly gentleman at least 80 years old sat down next to me with a hot coffee and a pastry. I smiled at him and nodded and looked back at my computer as I continued to work. ¶ The old man turned back at his coffee, took a sip, and then looked back at me. “In fact, I’ve done lots of things that haven’t been done before”, he said half-smiling. Not sure if he was simply toying with me or not, my curiousity got the better of me. — Oh really? Like what types of things?, — All the while, half-thinking he was going to make up something fairly non-impressive. — I invented the first computer. — Um, Excuse me? — I created the world’s first internally programmable computer. It used to take up a space about as big as this whole room and my wife and I used to walk into it to program it.” • #рубрика_прекрасное - × × ×
"Want to mess with your mind? Without the man in the photo, the photo of this man wouldn’t exist. *mind blown*" - smallq
Ранее в эфире: «Каждый раз, когда мне вдруг начинает казаться, что я очень умный…» — http://urbansheep.livejournal.com/880783... - × × ×
^ и это отлично - earlyadopter