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Abraham Lincoln Did Not Invent Facebook: How a Guy and His Blog Fooled the Whole Wide Internet - Megan Garber - Technology - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
“Well, gah. This was such a good story. You wanted it to be true -- not just as a fun fact, or as an easy Internet Shareable, or as a reminder of the psychic continuity between past and present, or as a Campbellian lesson of the banality of heroism, or as a Buellerian tale of the obvious productivity of truancy ... but also because, I mean, Lincoln inventing Facebook. There is nothing that is not awesome about that.” • #конкультура#безжалостный_постмодернизм - × × ×
“We now have a thing that lets us, just as "Honest Abe" wanted, "keep aware of Others in the Town." How we use that thing, though, is up to us. "I just think this is fun; I don't think it hurts anybody," St. Pierre says of his prank. At the same time, though, "people have this willing suspension of disbelief," he notes. And with people and outlets constantly racing to find the newest and shiniest and share-iest thing on the web, "you can take advantage of that if you want.” - × × ×