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Live Blog: Apple and Corporate Taxes - NYTimes.com - http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013...
"Mr. Cook says Apple does not use tax gimmicks — a statement that the earlier experts had criticized. He says Apple uses earnings to finance Apple retail stores around the world, among other activities. “Unfortunately the tax code has not kept up with the digital age,” he says. He adds that the tax system handicaps American corporations in relation to foreign competitors who don’t have restraints with the free movement of foreign capital." - × × ×
Ох, жаль, без Джобса это шоу. Он там у себя, наверное, катается по полу от хохота со словами «Парни, в список всякой важной, но нестрашной фигни, вроде компьютеров, музыки и паблишинга, которые Эппл перевернул вверх тормашками, мы добавили, внезапно, и экономическую политику нашего драгоценного государства». - × × ×
“Mr. Cook says Apple has enjoyed unprecedented success over the last 10 years, and the worldwide popularity of its products has soared. Its international revenue is now twice as large as its domestic revenue. “As a result I’m often asked if Apple still considers itself an American company,” he says. “My answer has always been an emphatic yes. We are proud to be an American company and equally proud of our contributions to the U.S. economy.” - × × ×