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Whistleblowing Is the New Civil Disobedience | danah boyd — Editor's Picks — Medium - https://medium.com/editors...
"Like many other civil liberties activists, I’ve been annoyed by how the media has spilled more ink talking about Edward Snowden than the issues that he’s trying to raise. I’ve grumbled at the “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” reality show and the way in which TV news glosses over the complexities that investigative journalists have tried to publish as the story unfolded. But then a friend of mine — computer scientist Nadia Heninger — flipped my thinking upside down with a simple argument: Snowden is offering the public a template for how to whistleblow; leaking information is going to be the civil disobedience of our age." - × × ×
“More importantly, though, as Nadia pointed out to me, he’s creating a template for how to share information. He’s clearly learned from previous whistleblowers and is using many of their tactics. But he’s also forged his own path, which has had its own follies. Regardless of whether he succeeds or fails in getting asylum somewhere, he’s inspired others to think about how they can serve as a check to power. And this is terrifying for any government.” - × × ×
Так что Навальный показывает своим примером не столько как садиться на ежа, сколько как собирать, упаковывать и распространять весёлые картинки про наших бодрых ребят, которые делают своими чувствительными местами жим-жим на следующий день после поста в жежешечке, отбрёхиваясь и оправдываясь, а не игнорируя, как это бывает, когда на них просто набрасывают без аргументов или с явным бредом. - × × ×