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Google's Newest Q&A Service: "baraza" - http://blogoscoped.com/archive...
“Baraza operates on a Points basis. You get 20 points for signing up, and 4 points each day you log in. If you are already logged into your Google account, there isn’t actually any signup process. Your name and photo from your Google profile are automatically used, although you can change your username and avatar if you like. Asking a question costs 5 points, and you earn 5 points for choosing a “best answer" for your question, so you can use the service on an ongoing basis without needing to answer any questions, although you are awarded extra points if you do.” - × × ×
“Baraza is a Swahili word, usually translated as council but with meanings that encompass task force, gathering or problem-solving meeting.” - × × ×
Интересно, как Ответы мигрируют по разным континентам, не приходя при этом в .com. - × × ×