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Invincible Apple: 10 Lessons From the Coolest Company Anywhere - http://www.fastcompany.com/node...
{1} Go Into Your Cave, {2} It's Okay to Be King, {3} Transcend Orthodoxy, {4} Just Say No, {5} Serve Your Customer. No, Really, {6} Everything Is Marketing, {7} Kill the Past, {8} Turn Feedback Into Inspiration, {9} Don't Invent, Reinvent, {10} Play by Your Own Clock. “When Martin Lindstrom, a brand consultant and author of Buyology: The Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, examined those brains under a functional magnetic-resonance-imaging scanner, he discovered that Apple devotees are indistinguishable from those committed to Jesus. "Apple's brand is so powerful that for some people it's just like a true religion," Lindstrom says” - × × ×