"Pantone, the color swatch company which has influenced fashion and design for decades, has expanded into hospitality in 2010 with the Pantone Hotel in Brussels. These photos were totally new to us, and we just had to share them with you. ¶ At this Belgian designers' paradise, guests immerse themselves in a realm of bright, minimalist colors like 520 C, 230 C and 377 C. Designed by architect Olivier Hannaert and decorated by interior designer Michel Penneman, the hotel features seven color palettes spread over 59 rooms. Belgian photographer Victor Levy created Pantone-hued photographs to go along with the color scheme of each room. There is a Pantone roof terrace, Pantone meeting rooms, Pantone bicycles and even Pantone coffee mugs to sip during breakfast. It is truly a Pantone paradise." - urbansheep@gmail.com