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Where the F**k Was I? (A Book) | booktwo.org - http://booktwo.org/noteboo...
"I have made another book from data; a printing-out of databases. This one is called Where the F**k Was I? and consists of 202 maps based on my movements over the past year. I say “based on” because the data was not recorded by me, but by my phone. In April, researchers Alasdair Allen and Pete Warden revealed that the iPhone was storing location data without the users’ knowledge. Using their instructions and my own scripts I extracted 35,801 latlong pairs stored on my phone between April and the previous June (when my phone was last updated, wiping its memory). These are plotted on OpenStreetMap, one map for each day, together with a brief note where I wanted to tie it to a real event." - × × ×